EAJC General Council Chairman Speaks at Jewish School Anniversary
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC General Council Chairman Speaks at Jewish School Anniversary

                  Josef Zisels

                  EAJC General Council Chairman Speaks at Jewish School Anniversary


                  The EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels has taken part in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Jewish school in Chernivtsy, which was one of the first state schools with an ethnocultural component in the former Soviet Union.

                  Representatives of the city government and the oblast educational system took part in the official anniversary ceremony of the 41st school. Josef Zisels said at the ceremony: "The Jewish school of Chernovtsy, which had become one of the first institues of legal Jewish life, is the joint child of former underground Jewish activists and the Israeli organization 'Midreshet Yerushalaim," which was mostly powered by a Jewish Renaissance romantic, Yossi Pinni. And today we see this school not only as a very important community institute, but as a sign of our solidarity with the Jewish state."