Discussion on Nationalism in EAJC Kyiv Office
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                  Discussion on Nationalism in EAJC Kyiv Office

                  Andrey Portnov. Photo by ''Glavred" magazine.

                  Discussion on Nationalism in EAJC Kyiv Office


                  On October 15, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) hosted a session of the Expert Council of the Black Sea Peacemaking Web, the topic of which was "Nationalism in Ukraine." The main speaker was the famous Ukrainian historian Andrey Portov. In the contructive discussion that followed his report, the attendees, including the organizator of the event, EAJC General Council member Vyacheslav Likhachev, discussed the problem of radizalization of the nationalistic part of the Ukrainian political specter.

                  The next meeting is to discuss the activity on national-radical political groups and xenophobia manifestations.