EAJC Kyiv Office Holds Discussion on the Radical Right
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                  EAJC Kyiv Office Holds Discussion on the Radical Right

                  Report of Vyacheslav Likhachev

                  EAJC Kyiv Office Holds Discussion on the Radical Right


                  On November 5th, the Expert Council of the Black Sea Peacemaking Web (BSPN) held a meeting in the Kyiv office of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC). The topic of the meeting was “The Radical Right in Post-Soviet Space.” The meeting was a certain logical follow-up to the October 15 BSPN Expert Council meeting at the EAJC Kyiv office on nationalism in Ukraine. Among those who organized the seminar were the Center of Near-East Studies, the EAJC, and the Council of National Communities of Ukraine (CNCU).

                  The main speakers at the November 5 meeting were important scholars studying the radical right, extremism, and xenophobia – Associate Professor of the Political Studies Department of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Dr. Andreas Umland and EAJC General Council member, head of he Congress program on monitoring and analyzing xenophobia, Vyacheslav Likhachev. The topic of Umland's report was “Revolutionary vs. Reactionary Post-Soviet Imperialism: How Russian Ultra-Nationalism Changed Moscow's Foreign Policy in Putin's Time.” Vyacheslav Likhachev read a report titled “Members of the Radical Right 'Within' and 'Outside' The System: Modern State and Perspectives.” EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels also took part in the discussion.