EAJC Secretary General Participates in WJC Executive Committee Session
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                  EAJC Secretary General Participates in WJC Executive Committee Session

                  EAJC Secretary General Participates in WJC Executive Committee Session


                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary Michael Chlenov took part in a session of the World Jewish Congress Executive committee, which took place in Brussels on November 14-15.
                  A number of questions important for the Jewish communities of the Diaspora and the Jewish state were discussed at the session, including the delegitimization of Israel, the Iranian nuclear threat, interfaith dialogue, problems of international terrorism and anti-Semitism.

                  The newly published with WJC aid book “Israel's Rights as a Nation State in International Diplomacy.”

                  As Michael Chlenov notes, “The WJC mobilizes and coordinates the efforts of participating structures to solve a number of serious problem and to find answers to challenges we face. Everything that the Executive committee discussed at its session gives a foundation for an extensive discussion at the upcoming session of the EAJC General Council, which will gather leaders of the region's communities and organizations in Jerusalem on November 24th.”