EAJC General Council Member Visits Lviv
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC General Council Member Visits Lviv

                  Vice Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University Miroslav Marinovich

                  EAJC General Council Member Visits Lviv


                  On February 19-20, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Council Chairman Josef Ziels made a working visit to Lviv. The visit and meetings were dedicated to the questions and problems of preserving the cultural heritage of the Galitsian Jews.

                  Josef Zisels met with Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy, Director of the Lviv Gallery of Arts Boris Voznitsky, Director of the Ethnographic Museum Roman Chmelyk, Vice Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University Miroslav Marinovich, fine art restorers, scholars who specialize in describing Jewish artifacts, as well as with Jewish leaders of Lviv – Grigoriy Pikman and Meliah Sheihet.

                  Josef Zisels also met with the leader of the Ukrainian branch of the Roman Catholic Church, metropolitan of Lviv, Archbishop Mechislav Mokshitsky, with whom he discussed the conflict between the Catholic and Jewish communities of Shargorod city (Vinnitskaya oblast), connected with unauthorized building of Catholic objects on a Jewish cemetery.