Joseph Shmuckler Obituary
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Joseph Shmuckler Obituary

                  Joseph Schmuckler (right), his wife Constance, and Natan Scharansky

                  Joseph Shmuckler Obituary


                  Veterans of the Independent Jewish Movement in the former USSR have learned with great sadness of the passing away of a major American community leader, a veteran defender of the rights of Soviet Jews, Joseph Schmuckler, who had been 84.

                  An advocate of the highest quality, a heartfelt philanthropist, and a known community activist, he lef the Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, was the Vice President of the National Museum of American Jewish History and Co-Chairman of the Anti-Defamation League.

                  Joseph Schmuckler was one of the first Jewish community activists who visited the former USSR and Israel to learn about the problems of those who were denied the right to repatriate, and then played a major role in helping Jewis leave the Soviet Unione. He was Deputy Chairman of the NCSJ, whose current President, Alexander Schmuckler, is his cousin and our former colleague in the Independent Jewish Movement.

                  We grieve with the family and friends of the deceased, and pray for the Almighty to send them consolation.

                  Michael Chlenov

                  Josef Zisels

                  Roman Spector