EAJC Secretary General Participates in Limmud Festival
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                  EAJC Secretary General Participates in Limmud Festival

                  EAJC Secretary General Participates in Limmud Festival


                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General Michael Chlenov has taken part in the work of the educational and cultural festival “Limmud Saint-Petersburg – 2012”. The EAJC has supported the “Limmud CIS” project over the years, and professor Chlenov is one of its co-founders.

                  The EAJC Secretary General read a lecture on little-known aspects of Jewish history in Ancient Rus and participated in a round table titled “Russia and Israel: Main Questions of Two-Way Relations.” The round table participants also included Councilor to the President of the State of Israel Yoram Dori, Israeli Consul General in Saint-Petersburg Eddy Shapira, and First Secretary of the Embassy of Israel in Russia Michael Pas.

                  As Michael Chlenov notes, “Each Limmud festival becomes an event, but it is especially wonderful that these festivals have become customary in former Soviet territory. Our Congress has supported Limmud for many years, and I truly hope that our joint work in the preservation of Jewish conciousness will continue.”