“Not just through business...” EAJC Congress College Meeting
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  “Not just through business...” EAJC Congress College Meeting

                  Michael Chlenov's report

                  “Not just through business...” EAJC Congress College Meeting


                  On October 25, the business community Congress College, acting under the aegis of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, held an event as part of the “Not just through business...” program at the Moscow art gallery Ar Deko. The central part of the event was the report of the EAJC Secretary General, Professor Michael Chlenov, titled “Civilizations, Religions, and Socio-Economical Development.”

                  Among those who took part in the discussion of the report were the President of the non-profit Dynasty Foundation Dmitry Zymin and research head of the Russian Socio-Political Center Foundation Fyodor Shelov-Kovedyayev, Director of the RAO Sociology of Education Institute, Professor Vladimir Sobkin. The evening was moderated by the Chairman of the business community, EAJC Vice President Yuri Raskin.