EAJC Congratulations: 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Kazakhstan and Israel
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                  EAJC Congratulations: 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Kazakhstan and Israel

                  EAJC Congratulations: 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Kazakhstan and Israel


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has sent its congratulations on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State of Israel to the leaders of the Kazakhstan Jewish community (a part of the EAJC) and to the Israeli diplomatic mission in Almaty.

                  An excerpt from the letter reads: “We are proud that the solidarity of the Jewish diaspora of our region with Israel is supported by the leaders of the Kazakhstan republic and that Kazakhstan Jews look confidently into the future, without fearing for the fates of their children and grandchildren. We congratulate the Jewish community of Kazakhstan on the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State of Israel, and, remembering all of the current achievements of the Jewish community, hope that it will preserve its leading role in the further strengthening of the Jewish life of the region.”

                  The letter also notes the considered and balanced foreign policy of government of Kazakhstan, “in which the Jewish state has received a worthy place in Kazakhstan's international partnerships.” “The countries are currently connected by numerous humanitarian and cultural contacts,” the letter reads. “The general tendency towards a growth of mutually beneficial cooperation reflectes the optimism of both sides, and a new level of development in the relationship between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Jewish state is foreseeable in the nearest future.”