Address to Government of Countries Whose Jewish Communities Belong to the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Address to Government of Countries Whose Jewish Communities Belong to the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress

                  Address to Government of Countries Whose Jewish Communities Belong to the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress


                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which represents the interests of hundreds of thousands of Jews of two continents, would like to address the governments of the countries whose Jewish communities are a part of the EAJC. The EAJC is concerned with the fact that representatives of the Palestinian Autonomy plan to bring up the raising of the autonomy to the status of “independent non-UN member state” at the 66th UN General Assembly meeting.

                  Once again, a provocative attempt in being made to undermine the position of the Israeli side, without considering which it is unthinkable and inadmissible to proclaim the existence of a Palestinian state.
                  The EAJC by no means doubts the very idea of the creation of a Palestinian state. But this state needs to exist beside Israel, not in Israel's place.

                  We are certain that the creation of a Palestinian state can only be the result of the settlement of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and the two-state solution itself must be the result of direct negotiations between the two sides on all of the questions dividing them. Any solution reached must guarantee peace and the safety of Israel's residents.

                  Before proclaiming their own state, Palestinians must decide on its territorial borders. Before the “two states for two peoples” principle can become reality, Palestinians must accept the Jewish state and its right to the inviolability of its borders.

                  Even though the unilateral acceptance of the independence of the Palestinian state would be mostly symbolic, it wouldl untie the hands of certain political opportunists, who will continue to strengthen their anti-Israel activity.

                  The EAJC calls for the governments of those countries whose Jewish communities it unites to weigh carefully their positions and not to make any decisions in favor of the political environment, which would aggravate the situation in the region and deepen the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

                  Vadim Shulman,

                  Michael Chlenov
                  Secretary General

                  Josef Zisels,
                  General Council Chairman

                  Alexander Baron,
                  Presidium Member