EAJC Representative Participates in “Culture of Peace” Conference
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                  EAJC Representative Participates in “Culture of Peace” Conference

                  Moscow House of Journalists

                  EAJC Representative Participates in “Culture of Peace” Conference


                  The leader of the EAJC PR Deparment Roman Spector has taken part in the constituent conference of the Pan-Russian Journalists' Congress “Culture of Peace.” This conference, organized with the aid of the Journalists' Union of Russia, took place on January 31, 2012, in the Central Journalists' House of Moscow. The organizators aimed to create a non-profit organization that would bring together professional journalists specializing in international and ethno-cultural relations. One of the main aims of the new organizations is to “master and disseminate the centuries-old experience of the Culture of Peace,” which can “help prevent possible conflicts, develop reliable and effective techniques of finding peaceful solutions to emerging problems.”

                  Guests of the conference were leaders and members of national cultural autonomies and national communities, journalists of federal, regional, and ethnic media, ethnologists and cultural studies experts. The Chairman of the Journalists' Union of Russia, Vsevolod Bogdanov, spoke before the gathering.

                  As Roman Spector notes, “I've great hope that this initiative to create a journalistic community working with ethnic and inter-ethnic issues will be continues and actually implemented. If the organizators and participants take a reasonable and steady approach to this matter, such a union can become quite an effective instruments to counter xenophobia and to prevail over international tension.”