Book Published With EAJC Aid Wins Prestigious Award
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Book Published With EAJC Aid Wins Prestigious Award

                  Book of the Year-2012 diploma

                  Book Published With EAJC Aid Wins Prestigious Award


                  The Ukrainian translation of the two-volume Oxford Handbook  of Jewish Studies (titled “Jewish Civilization” in the translation) took first place in the “Sophia: Foreign Liberal Arts” category of the All-Ukrainian Ranking “Book of the Year – 2012.”

                  The translation of the two-volume handbook edited by Martin Goodman had been published by the Center for the Studies of the History and Culture of Eastern European Jewry of the National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy,” directed by EAJC General Council member Leonid Finberg.

                  The prestigious “Book of the Year” award had been held for the 14th time by the “Elite-Profi” Center for Benchmark Surveying.