EAJC Representative Takes Part in Solidarity Event with the Kurdish People
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                  EAJC Representative Takes Part in Solidarity Event with the Kurdish People

                  EAJC Representative Takes Part in Solidarity Event with the Kurdish People


                  The leader of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress PR Department Roman Spector has participated in a Moscow event organized by the International Union of Kurdish Public Associations. This meeting, which gathered leaders and representatives of Russian public associations, scholars, and journalists, included a discussion of the initiative to collect signatures for freeing Kurdish political prisoners from Turkish prisons. The campaign had been begun by important human rights activists and public figures, some of whom come from Russia and Israel. Currently, the initiative has been supported by millions of people who want a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem.

                  As Roman Spector notes, “The support for the Kurdish people shown today by a multitude of participants of very different countries and nationalities is a humanitarian challenge to the current political trends and to the so-called “state interests,” to whom not only single people fall victim, but sometimes entire peoples. I truly hope that humanity will be victorious.”