Obituary for Marina Solodkina
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Obituary for Marina Solodkina

                  Obituary for Marina Solodkina


                  News of the death of Israeli politician, former Knesset deputy Marina Solodkina had been deeply shocking and grief-bringing to the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. Marina Solodkina had been one of the brightest representatives of the Big Aliyah in Israeli politics, an honest, sincere, and uncompromising defender of the interests of new repatriates and members of other vulnerable strata of society. Hundreds, if not thousands of people can remember how they turned to her for help, and how she always attempted to do everything within her power to restore justice and to defend those who needed defending.

                  Marina Solodkina passed away on March 16, at the age of 60, in Riga (Latvia), where she had been participating in an international conference.

                  The EAJC expresses its deepest condolences to Marina Solodkina's family and friends, and grieves together with them.
                  Baruch dayan ha-emeth.