Preparatory Seminar for “Roots of Tolerance - Caucasus - 2013” Counselors
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Preparatory Seminar for “Roots of Tolerance - Caucasus - 2013” Counselors

                  Josef Zisels' lecture

                  Preparatory Seminar for “Roots of Tolerance - Caucasus - 2013” Counselors


                  On July 2-3, a preparatory seminar for counselors of “Roots of Tolerance - Caucasus - 2013,” an international inter-ethnic Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) project, took place in Tbilisi. Project coordinator - Miroslav Greenberg (Ukraine). The participants of the seminar were young leaders of Georgian and Azerbaijani national communities.

                  EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels read a lecture on xenophobia and tolerance to the participants. The Congress plans to hold the Roots of Tolerance camp at one of the mountainous regions of Georgia in September