News from the EAJC Office in Israel
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                  News from the EAJC Office in Israel

                  News from the EAJC Office in Israel


                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Deputy Secretary General Haim Ben Yakov has participated in a reception dedicated to the 22 anniversary of the restoration of Azerbaijan’s independence. The reception was part of a number of events dedicated to Azerbaijan’s Independence Day. To participate in these events, Chairman of the the National Assembly of Azerbaijan (Milli Mejlis) Commission on International Affairs Samed Seidov arrived in Israel.

                  The government of Israel was represented at the reception by Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affair Avigdor Lieberman, who noted that the people of Azerbaijan and the Jewish people are connected through a long and close friendship. Today the relations between the two countries are at an entirely new level, according to Lieberman. The cooperation in cultural, social, political, and economic affairs continues to grow and strengthen. The Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed certainty that the connections between the two states will continue growing stronger, as well.

                  Samed Seidov stressed that Israel is important for Azerbaijan not just as a reliable economic partner, but as a friend who can understand its problems.

                  The EAJC greeting to the participants of the reception, read at the reception by Haim Ben Yakov, reads: “Azerbaijan is a country where a sustainable Jewish community has lived for many centuries, and it has always felt protected by the true neighborliness displayed by Azerbaijan’s hard-working and hospitable people.

                  The Jews of Azerbaijan have always felt firsthand, even moreso in our day, how the country’s leadership cares for true inter-ethnic peace. The state’s humanitarian policy, based as it is on principles of tolerance and mutual understanding, has always been an example of a thought-out approach to problems of inter-ethnic relations in post-Soviet territory.”

                  Haim ben Yakov has also participated in the “Limmud Jerusalem-2013” conference and gave a lecture titled “Zionism, Postmodernism, and Democracy: The Israel Experience.”

                  In his lecture he noted that the Zionist movement has a most difficult task at hand: to preserve the Jewish state as a Jewish and democratic state.

                  Haim Ben Yakov has also participated in the work of the General Assembly of Jewish Federations of North America, which took place from November 8-13 in Jerusalem. The most critical problems of the Jewish people and the Jewish state were discussed at the Assembly. Representatives of all of Israel’s political parties and the leaders of major American Jewish organizations gave speeches. The fact that this Assembly was held in Jerusalem is a testament to the dedication of American Jewry to strengthen their ties to Israel.