EAJC congratulates you on Chanukkah!
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC congratulates you on Chanukkah!

                  EAJC congratulates you on Chanukkah!

                  16.12.2014, Region

                  Dear friends,

                  on behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), I congratulate you on Chanukkah. This festival serves as an annual remind that our heritage teaches us lessons which are as relevant today as they were centuries ago. There are two major themes of the festival which I believe reflect the mission we have at the EAJC.

                  The first is the requirement is that we place the Chanukkiah at the door or window, where it can be seen. There are varying interpretations of why that is but today we use it symbolize pride in our identity.

                  Particularly in the countries we represent, the ability to openly express our Judaism was not always open to us. But today, despite worrying levels of anti-Semitism, we not only place our Chanukkiah in the window with pride but in many communities we hold communal lighting services in town and city centers. They act as a symbol of Jewish pride and as a beacon of light to those who remain unsure about openly connecting with their own Jewish identity. The invigoration and re-invigoration of Jewish life remains our primary objective.

                  As well as a story of Jewish pride, Chanukkah is also the story of national liberation. The story of the Jewish people's desire and ability, with a little help from above, to rule over themselves, to be a free people in our homeland. After centuries without a home of our own, Chanukkah is also a time when we stop and appreciate that we have a homeland of our own, a time to recognize those who made it possible and those who still do. This past summer Israel lost 66 soldiers who died fighting to protect its citizens from rockets raining down from above and terrorists tunneling from below. They fought not only for the people of Israel but for Jews all over the world. Their sacrifice ensures that there will always be a safe haven for the Jewish people. They were the Maccabees of today. Our relationship with Israel cannot be separated from our Jewish identity, nor would we ever want it to be.

                  The mission of the EAJC, as we reflect on Chanukkah, should be to allow every Jew in the world to celebrate their Jewish identity with pride and to stand with Israel, the realization of our national liberation.

                  I wish you all health, happiness, success, prosperity and invigorating and reinvigorating Jewish Life in your communities.
                  Julius MEINL,
                  EAJC President