Moses Samuels Obituary
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                  Moses Samuels Obituary

                  Moses Samuels Obituary

                  01.06.2015, Region

                  It is with great sadness that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress must announce that the long-standing leader of the Myanmar Jewish community, EAJC General Council member Moses Samuels has passed away at 66.

                  Samuels gave over thirty years of his life to serving the community. The message of the Jewish community of Myanmar reads: “He preserved the traditions of Judaism with a great love for its heritage, and his example was an inspiration to many. He respected everyone equally, be they Jews or Buddhists, Muslims or Christians, Hindus or Ba’Hai. Over the many years of his leadership, he did much for interfaith and inter-ethnic understanding by inviting the leaders of many communities to the synagogue for dialogue and to share the history of the Jewish community of Myanmar.”

                  The EAJC leaders have presented their condolences to the family of Moses Samuels and the members of the Jewish community of Myanmar. The letter signed by EAJC President Julius Meinl, Secretary General Michael Chlenov, and General Council Chairman Josef Zisels reads: “Moses had been one of those incredible people thanks to whom the Jewish tradition around the globe is being kept alive. His selfless service to the Jewish community of Myanmar is exemplary for other Jewish activists. Moses’ passing is a heavy loss for both the community and the EAJC in general. We hope that the work of his life will be continued by his successors.”