Avi Beker Obituary
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Avi Beker Obituary

                  Avi Beker Obituary

                  04.06.2015, Region

                  It is with great sadness that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has learned of the all-too-early death of the former Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress Avi Beker. Avi Beker was a scholar, writer, and important expert in politics. He was a great friend to the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.

                  Avi Beker was born in Tel Aviv in 1951. After serving in the IDF, he graduated from the University of Tel Aviv and earned his PhD in political science at New York University. He was a member of Israel’s U.N. mission from 1977 to 1982. He became Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress in a time when incredibly important decisions were being made concerning the status of former Soviet Jews.

                  Avi Beker was instrumental in implementing the efforts of the world’s Jews to attain restitution of Jewish communal property that was looted by the Nazis during World War II. He was a key figure in developing the understanding between the USA and Israel.

                  After he left the post of WJC Secretary General, Beker taught at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., gave lectures on international law and diplomacy at the University of Tel-Aviv, and was a member of the Yad Vashem Board of Directors.

                  The leaders and employees of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress present their deepest condolences to the family and friends of Avi Beker. His memory will be kept alive by all those who knew and loved him.