World Jewish Congress Decides “Dual Community Citizenship” Possible
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                  World Jewish Congress Decides “Dual Community Citizenship” Possible

                  World Jewish Congress Decides “Dual Community Citizenship” Possible

                  25.06.2015, Region

                  On June 15, 2015, a meeting of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Executive Committee took place in Jerusalem. Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President Julius Meinl took part in the meeting.

                  One of the matters discussed was an issue regularly brought up by the EAJC and a number of Eastern European Jewish communities. The matter concerns certain Eastern European communities that are members of the WJC, but which have also been affiliated with two regional Jewish unions (the European and Euro-Asian Jewish Congresses), work together with them, and receive help from both unions. Over the last several years, the President of the European Jewish Congress Moshe Kantor has been putting pressure on some of the communities boasting a “dual citizenship,” attempting to make them choose one affiliation, preferrably - with the European Jewish Congress. Under this pressure, two communities have had to announce leaving the EAJC as members and making a switch to observer status, and other communities have been contemplating the decision.

                  On June 15, 2015, the WJC Executive Board finally made a decision on the problem by allowing Jewish communities to be affiliated with many regional unions at the same time.

                  According to the meeting protocol of the Executive Board, “communities that are members of the WJC may, but not must, be part of or be affiliated with one or more regional branches.”