Euroasian Jewish News
New EAJC Herald Published |
12.10.2010 |
The eighth edition of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Herald (August-September 2010, or elul 5770 tishrei 5771) has been published in Moscow by the office of EAJC Secretary General, Professor Michael Chlenov. |
Conference of “Paideia” Program Graduates Held in Kiev |
11.10.2010 |
The graduates of the Svedish Paideia program held a conference in the Kiev office of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC). The conference ended on the 10th of October with a round table on the future of Jewish communities in former Soviet Union territories. |
Statement of the EAJC Public Relations Department |
08.10.2010 |
The rumors that have been spread by a number of media sources about the involvement of Alexander Machkevitch, the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, in the scandal in Turkey are totally groundless. |
Rabbi Adolph Shaevich and Professor Michael Chlenov Honored in Moscow |
07.10.2010 |
On the evening of October 6, the Moscow Choral Synagogue hosted a celebration dedicated to the 30th anniversary of service for the Head Rabbi of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Rabbi Council (EAJC) Adolph Shaevich, and the 70th anniversary of EAJC Secretary General, Vaad Russia President, Professor Michael Chlenov. |
VAAD Ukraine Surprised By MFA Position |
30.09.2010 |
Joseph Zisels, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman and Chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities (VAAD) Ukraine, one of the initiating bodies of the EAJC, has sent an official letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Constantin Grischenko, expressing his surprise at the behaviour of the Ukrainian delegation in connection with the speech of the President of Iran at the UN General Assembly. |
Josef Zisels Meets With German Ambassador |
30.09.2010 |
On the 29 the of September, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman, Chairman of the Association of Ukrainian Organizations and Communities of Ukraine (VAAD Ukraine) Joseph Zisels met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Hans-Jrgen Heimsoeth. |
EAJC President Meeting With Prime Minister of Jordan |
27.09.2010 |
The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Maskevich visited Amman at the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordam Samir Zaid al-Rifai, to discuss a number of investment projects which, presumably, will include neighboring countries. |