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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General Presented With Russian Federation State Duma Certificate of Gratitude
                  EAJC Secretary General Presented With Russian Federation State Duma Certificate of Gratitude
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Secretary General, Vice President of the Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy, professor Michael Chlenov has taken part in the ''15 Years of National Cultural Autonomies: Experience and Perspectives'' meeting that was organized by the Russian Federation State Duma Committee on Nationalities.
                  EAJC General Council Member Gives Lecture to Kyiv's Youth
                  EAJC General Council Member Gives Lecture to Kyiv's Youth
                  The mass disturbances that have overtaken the countries of North Africa and the Near East in the winter and spring of 2011 are changing the geopolitical map of the region before our very eyes. EAJC General Council member, historian and politican Vyacheslav Likhachev offers his insights on the matter,
                  EAJC Representatives Meet With Israeli Diplomats
                  EAJC Representatives Meet With Israeli Diplomats
                  On the 12th of May, the Chairman of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Josef Zisels was part of a group of Jewish leaders of Ukraine that met with the Director General of the Ministry for Public Diplomacy and the Diaspora Ronen Plot and the Ambassador Plenipotent of the State of Israel in Ukraine Zina Kalai-Kleitman.
                  EAJC General Council Chairman Speaks At Opening of Exhibition
                  EAJC General Council Chairman Speaks At Opening of Exhibition
                  On the 12th of May in Kiev, the Chairman of the General Council of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Josef Zisels has spoken at the opening of the exhibition ''Jews of the Struggle,'' organized by the Ministry of Public Affairs and the Diaspora of the State of Israel.
                  EAJC to Support Community Life of Bukharian Jews
                  EAJC to Support Community Life of Bukharian Jews
                  On the 24th of April, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Chairman Josef Zisels held negotiations with the leadership of one of the Bukharian Jews communities in Brooklyn (USA).
                  EAJC Delegation Participates in Annual AJC Meeting
                  EAJC Delegation Participates in Annual AJC Meeting
                  A representative delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) headed by the EAJC General Council Chairman, VAAD Ukraine Chariman Josef Zisels took part in the traditional annual congress of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), which took place of the 27-29th of April in Washington. T
                  EAJC Congress College: the Real Estate Market and Investment Projects
                  EAJC Congress College: the Real Estate Market and Investment Projects
                  A plenary meeting of the Congress College, a business community under EAJC aegis, took place in Moscow. The meeting was titled “Real estate again! Analysis of the situation and presentation of suggestions.”
                  EAJC Representatives Participate in Opening of “We are With You, Carmel!” Exhibition
                  EAJC Representatives Participate in Opening of “We are With You, Carmel!” Exhibition
                  A representative delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, headed by EAJC Secretary General, Professor Michael Chlenov, has taken part in the opening of the photo exhibition ''We are With You, Carmel!'' at the Israeli Culture Center of the Embassy of Israel in Moscow.
                  Jewish Communities Thank Euro-Asian Jewish Congress for Matzot Aid
                  Jewish Communities Thank Euro-Asian Jewish Congress for Matzot Aid
                  Letters of thanks continute to arrive at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), after the EAJC had provided the destitute members of many Jewish communities with matzot for Pesach.
                  Seminar in Kirovograd Pedagogical University
                  Seminar in Kirovograd Pedagogical University
                  On the 20th of April, a seminar for future journalists dedicated to the specifics of covering stories connected with tolerance, xenophobia, migration, and the life of national minorities.
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